Friday, August 29, 2014

APOD 1.1

The Rosette Nebula
As I was scrolling through the APOD website, the title of this one was the initial attraction.  The title of the entry, "The Rosette Nebula", hinted towards a red or rosy nebula which sounds particularly intriguing.  Once the page loaded and the image appeared, my hypothesis was confirmed.  The nebula actually appears to be rose-shaped and rose-colored! It looks like a rose from aerial view.  I am infatuated with the red glow that can be seen around the actual nebula.  With research, I have discovered that the ultraviolet light from the cluster of stars in the center is what causes the glow.  Furthermore, I have learned that the Rosette Nebula is approximately 130 light years in diameter!

Additionally, this nebula contains the constellation Monoceros:


After learning about this phenomenon, I am very excited to see more images and read more information regarding nebula's.


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